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  • How can you prevent suicide?Reuel S. Amdur
    November 7, 2015

    safeTalk is a mnemonic. Safe is for "Suicide Alertness for Everyone," emphasizing that the role is not just for professionals. The City of Ottawa offers the half-day safeTalk training for all its employees. Talk is for "Tell, Ask, Listen, and Keep safe." The program is designed and carried out by LivingWorks.

  • How did our friend Iran become our enemy?Jim Powell
    January 20, 2012

    Before the United States goes to war with Iran, as many Americans seem anxious to do, we should first understand how Iran became our implacable enemy. U.S. presidents from Eisenhower to Carter viewed Iran as our friend. The CIA didn't see this coming, and neither did our State Department.

  • How do we hold news media accountable?Amira Elghawaby
    May 23, 2018

    Coverage of the Toronto van tragedy demonstrates how ethical lapses erode public trust, writes Amira Elghawaby.

  • How far can freedom of the press go?Alexander Davidoff
    December 21, 2012

    Does media have total and complete freedom to do and say what they want without consequence? Should there be oversight or control over what is presented in the traditional printed press, television, radio or even the internet? These are not easy questions to consider and smell of 'big brother'. Many would vehemently oppose any control over the press and media, citing our democratic right for its freedom. Documents such as the Constitution, Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Magna Carta, that have mapped out humanity's struggle and development towards equality of existence, may be referred to. Historical examples of the horror when man had to survive the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong may be referenced.

  • How One Jew Understands BDSDr. David Lorge Parnas
    December 6, 2016

    As a Jew whose grandmother died in a Nazi death camp, one who grew up among holocaust survivors whose lives had been completely disrupted by anti-Semitism in Europe, I have a deep fear of anti-Semitism. However, I have no fear of the BDS movement and want to explain why.

  • How safe Ontario nuclear power facilities?Scott Stockdale
    February 5, 2018

    Ontario has three nuclear power facilities operating 18 reactors, which makes it one of the largest nuclear jurisdictions in the world.

  • How should we assess Harper?Dan Herman
    February 3, 2010

    A new poll from Ekos Research shows the Conservative Government is on the verge of seeing its once 10-point advantage over the Federal Liberals disappear.

  • How the serenity of Swat has been vandalized?Javed Akbar
    July 28, 2009

    Nightmarish scenes in the valley of Swat in northern Pakistan - a major tourist attraction

  • How the US destroying the lives of millionsScott Stockdale
    March 19, 2016

    The United States is breaking up the global order established after World War II that allowed a country or official agency that was owed money by another country to go through an international court and enforcement system to collect from its debtor, according to Michael Hudson, President of the Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends, a Wall Street financial analyst, and Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City.

  • How to keep your Permanent Residence Status in CanadaEdward C. Corrigan
    February 21, 2019

    If you are a Permanent Resident of Canada you keep your status as a Permanent Resident until it is taken away from you in a legal proceeding or you surrender it to Canadian authorities. You can lose your status as a Permanent Resident of Canada for convictions that are considered "Serious Criminality."

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