Several reasons motivated me to visit Brunei. It is oil rich, tiny, safe, not touristy, has a Malay Islamic culture and a beautiful nature. Two more: (1) Its head of state Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah is a graduate of Egypt's Al Azhar and (2) Brunei is ranked in the top ten of the happiest country in the world along with Canada. Literacy rate here is among the highest in the world at about 95%.
Canadians protesting Israel's savage piracy against civilian ships off the coast of Gaza must also protest those Canadian and American politicians who refused to condemn this aggression strongly. This includes voting out the Harper government.
The most important new political landscape emerging from Canada's election has not been comprehended. The Harper majority, the collapse of the Liberal vote, and Quebec's re-entry into federal politics through a social democratic party are political turns that have caught attention.
While I was reading some of the responses on various web sites to my last post (Understanding the real significance TODAY of the Nazi holocaust), the following question occurred to me. Does it really matter HOW Jews were exterminated in Nazi concentration camps? Even if you chose to believe that gas chambers were not part and parcel of the Nazi extermination programme, there is irrefutable evidence that Jews were shot, hanged, burned, injected and starved to death and, also, that many died from diseases that were only terminal because of the conditions of their incarceration.
People may make application for medically-assisted death. Yet, we attempt to prevent people from committing suicide. Let's imagine the case of someone turned down for medically-assisted death. The person then commits suicide.
Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney has demonstrated over and over that he has no qualms about putting others in harm's way, but - as his cancelling of his Toronto appearance illustrates - he's willing to take very little risk with his own safety.
RCMP make arrests for 'terrorist offence' in Ottawa
War with Iran is not inevitable, but U.S. national security would be seriously threatened by a nuclear-armed Iran. Particularly given the recent speeches at the UN General Assembly, military action is being discussed intensely.
Ordinary people, elected and unelected, behaved heroically last week. Unfortunately, it all happened far from Washington.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.