The fragile political power-sharing arrangement imposed by US forces during the Iraqi occupation is at a renewed risk of collapse.
The status of global economy exhibits outrageous contradiction between basic ethical values and economics, thanks to the economical policies of superpowers.
As I write this, two NATO rockets have just slaughtered around a dozen innocent Afghan civilians during the latest military assault in the war torn country.
Moshe Feiglin, one of the most deluded and racist of those who make up the extreme right of Israeli politics and who is guaranteed his first seat in the Knesset after the upcoming election, has proposed what I imagine he regards as a nice way to complete Zionism's ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
The first question the headline begs is this: What is, or rather what could be, Israel's worst?
Never in our collective lifetime have we seen such an outpouring, so much emotional intensity, from every corner of this country. There have been occasions, historically, when we've seen respect and admiration but never so much love, never such a shocked sense of personal loss.
The Muslims are coming is an Islamophobic propaganda that has inspired Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik and is advanced by the extreme right and Zionists to mean that Western Muslims will turn the West into a worse place - more Western initiated wars, more debt, less morality, less social justice, less freedom and less education and health care. But how was one Muslim-ruled European country and how was the rest of Europe at that time?
During 2010 as Europe was trying to bring itself out of the pits of a worldwide economic meltdown, the continent's rightwing forces have tried to usher in an age of austerity/cutbacks amidst the chaos.
In what is supposed to be a secular democracy, with a clear separation of church and state, one has to wonder how a Canadian evangelical Christian leader named Charles McVety has come to have such influence with the Harper government.
Staying in bed is dangerous to your health. That was the theme of a recent presentation at the Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital.
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