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  • To the Lankin-Sheikh Social Assistance ReviewReuel S. Amdur
    January 5, 2011

    I am a member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW) and the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. For a number of years I worked in the field of social assistance, leaving a position as a supervisor with the Ottawa Ontario Works agency in 1999. Since then I have assisted people appealing denial of ODSP. I was the principal author of the OASW briefs to the Social Assistance Review Committee (SARC), which issued its report in 1988.

  • To the people of the United StatesAlan Hart
    October 7, 2009

    To the people of the United States of America: If all of our children, wherever they live, are to have the prospect of a future worth having, the world needs the US's best, not what it had under the neo-conned regime of President George "Dubya" Bush-its worst.

  • Tonight we are all TunisiansYvonne Ridley
    January 15, 2011

    (January 14) Over the last few days we have seen some of the bravest people facing down some of the worst.

  • Tony Blair and the Shah of PalestineYvonne Ridley
    July 7, 2010

    Ever since a group of ordinary people from more than 40 different countries came together and set sail for Gaza have we seen various world leaders scramble to persuade Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza. Why? To honour the memory of those martyred by Israeli soldiers who shot nine unarmed peace activists at virtually point-blank range? Hell no!

  • Toronto becomes a war zone Steven Zhou
    July 1, 2010

    Photo by Miriam Kim. Monday, 29th of June 2010, located on University Avenue on West Dundas Street. An innocent man who was riding his bicycle was passing through and the officer was gripping his arm and forcing him off the street. The officer was yelling in his ears as the innocent cyclist was smiling and being obedient to the officer's demands.

  • Toronto cuts programs for students living in poverty Scott Stockdale
    July 2, 2013

    Since 1998, the Ontario government has provided funding so school boards across Ontario can offer programs and support for students from low-income families - the Learning Opportunities Grant (LOG). But Boards of Education re-direct much of this funding to other underfunded priorities, according to Lesley Johnston, Policy and Research Analyst at Social Planning Toronto.

  • Toronto's Rumi FestScott Stockdale
    November 10, 2010

    A sold out crowd of 750 people attended the opening night of a two-night Rumi Fest, recently in Toronto, to celebrate the works of 11th century poet Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273), the best selling poet in America today.

  • Torture and Justice, American StyleDr. Mohamed Elmasry
    June 29, 2009

    “I could see them, dragged naked along the concrete corridor,” reported the 18-year-old boy.

  • Torture as Foreign Policy: the Omar Khadr DecisionGail Davidson LLB
    February 18, 2010

    The decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Omar Khadr[1] case, which implies that remedies to prevent torture and punish perpetrators are a privilege to be granted or withheld at the pleasure of the Prime Minister, is wrong.

  • Torture at GuantánamoReuel S. Amdur
    October 15, 2011

    Doctors, psychologists, and other mental health professionals either turned a blind eye to evidence of torture at Guantánamo or actively assisted. That is what Doctors Vincent Iacopino and Stephen Xenakis found in a review of records for nine prisoners. Their findings are published in PLoS Medicine.

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