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  • Canada: The devil in the tar sandsJody Williams and Archbishop Desmond Tutu
    November 20, 2011

    On Sunday, Nov. 6, thousands of people encircled the White House as part of the ongoing effort to press US President Barack Obama to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. If the nearly 1,700-mile pipeline were to be built, it would run from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, through the heartland of the US, all the way to the Texas coast on the Gulf of Mexico. Should the project go ahead, Obama will have made one of the single most disastrous decisions of his presidency concerning climate change and the very future of our planet.

  • Canada: The media and democracy Stephen Garvey
    June 23, 2011

    In a recent Foundation for Democratic Advancement (FDA) audit of the Canadian federal electoral system, Canada received less than 26% grade for electoral fairness.

  • Canada: What universal health care?Reuel S. Amdur
    September 15, 2012

    It is claimed that Canada has universal health care. Unfortunately, that is an overstatement.

  • Canada: where are we and where do we go from here?Judy Rebick
    May 5, 2011

    It was an extraordinary election. Both Stephen Harper and Jack Layton got the results they were aiming for. Stephen Harper got his majority and Jack Layton replaced the Liberal Party not only as the Official Opposition but quite possibly as the only federal alternatives to the Harperites. Canada now looks like so many other countries with one party on the Right and one on the Left. So why do I feel so bad?

  • Canada: Who Gets In?Reuel S. Amdur
    October 28, 2010

    People are upset because refugees arrive clandestinely by boat. Well, why not have Canadian immigration officials in places like Sri Lanka to screen people so that they don't have to arrive in unseaworthy ships? That is what Ruth Goldbloom proposes.

  • Canada: Who is an Antisemite?Reuel S. Amdur
    July 13, 2011

    While the authors of the report of the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism set out to combat the pernicious ideology and its practical outcomes, paradoxically they only help to perpetuate it, if not to exacerbate it.

  • Canadian Aid to Palestinians serves Israel Yves Engler
    August 9, 2013

    A recently uncovered government document confirms that Ottawa has delivered millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian Authority in a bid to advance Israel's interests. The internal memorandum also sheds light on Canada's efforts to build a security apparatus to protect the Palestinian Authority from popular disgust over its compliance in the face of ongoing Israeli settlement building.

  • Canadian Boat to Gaza: a journey of solidarityScott Stockdale
    November 20, 2011

    When Israeli commandos boarded the Tahrir - the Canadian Boat to Gaza - on Friday November 4, it demonstrated once again that Israel is able to act with impunity when it comes to the welfare of the Palestinian people and anyone trying to help them, according to the Canadian Boat to Gaza group.

  • Canadian Charger must oppose Ottawa’s fake "anti-terrorism" listJohn Riddell and Suzanne Weiss
    December 8, 2013

    We wish to express our concern with Canadian Charger's editorial, "Canadians: List Egypt's Brotherhood a terrorist group." The article's call on the Harper government to ban the Muslim Brotherhood as "terrorist" group is a serious breach of the Charger's previous stand for democratic rights and against Islamophobia.

  • Canadian Jews and ZionismThe Canadian Charger
    April 7, 2011

    Corey Balsam, a graduate student in the department of sociology and equity studies in education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), wondered aloud what it is about Zionism that gets widespread support in the Jewish Community, in Canada in particular.

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