It appears that the Canadian Charger and the National Post are on opposite sides of some sort of ideological divide, and thus they vehemently disagree on many, or perhaps most, issues.
The National Post has no problem regurgitating Islamic extremist propaganda when it suits its agenda.
In this shortish response to those in the comment space of my own web site and others including Veterans Today who criticised, ridiculed and condemned me for what I wrote in my last two posts (WANTED - A psychiatric diagnosis of Nazi holocaust denial, which was a follow-up to Understanding the real significance TODAY of the Nazi holocaust), I quote from a very long and in-depth interview with Samuel Crowell, the author of what some regard as the definitive books which make the case for Nazi holocaust revisionism.
The death of Atiyah Abd al-Rahman in an Aug. 22 drone attack in Pakistan was a crucial blow to the core group that once surrounded Osama bin Laden, according to U.S. intelligence officials.
Apart from the Great Pyramids of Giza, few monuments of ancient Egypt have captured the world's fascination like the two great Abu Simbel temples of Ramses II the Great and his beautiful wife, Queen Nefertari.
The email, from a former high-ranking European diplomat to China, was curt: "We won't be able to talk by phone," he wrote.
A new poll has revealed that a majority of Israeli Jews believe that the Jewish State practises "apartheid" against Palestinians, with many openly supporting discriminatory policies against the country's Arab citizens.
That distinguished American philosopher Yogi Berra put it well when he said, "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." Nevertheless, I propose to look at some possible future scenarios on the Canadian political scene. What is likely to happen in the next federal election?
Last week, the message of the two-hour live-TV presidential meeting in Cairo was clear: Egyptian views out there to solve the nation's water crises with Ethiopia are as mediocre as that of the government's or even worse; some were calling for the use of force.
In 2011, Ethiopia seizing on Egypt's post-revolution political uncertainty put into motion its plans to build a massive $4.8 billion hydropower dam - known as the Grand Renaissance Dam - along the Blue Nile river within its own borders despite Egypt's opposition to the project. When built, the dam could mean massive food, water and electric power shortages for Egypt.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.