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  • Libby Davies calls for national housing strategyReuel S. Amdur
    September 30, 2010

    "It is a travesty that we don't have a national housing program," Vancouver East MP Libby Davies told the 16th annual National Urban Aboriginal Housing Conference in Ottawa.

  • Liberals need to rethink leadership situationGeoffrey Stevens
    May 25, 2011

    If the federal Liberals don't get their act together, and do it quickly, they risk disappearing into the black hole of Canadian political history. It's a black hole reserved for the likes of the United Farmers, Progressive Conservatives, Social Credit, Union Nationale and, as seems likely, the Bloc Québécois - parties that struggled on after their time had come.

  • Liberals win majority GovernmentEdward C. Corrigan
    November 1, 2015

    After 10 years in office Stephen Harper's Conservative government was swept from power. The federal Liberal Party led by Justin Trudeau won 185 seats and elected Members of Parliament in every province including Alberta. To win a majority you needed 170 seats. The Conservatives won 98 seats, the NDP 44. The Bloc won 10 seats in Quebec. Green Party Leader Elizabeth May was re-elected in her British Colombia seat.

  • Libya: Canadians call for action nowThe Canadian Charger
    February 23, 2011

    (Ottawa) A delegation met opposition parties, the Liberals, NDP and BQ, to demand immediate action by the Canadian government and NGOs to save the pro-democracy revolution in Libya. The delegation included Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, Ms. Safia Aghliw, a young Libyan Canadian, Mr. Ahmad Zarrug, a Libyan Canadian businessman who has just returned from the Libyan capital Tripoli and Mrs Faizah Ghadban-Kandar, an active member of Ottawa's Arab and Muslim communities.

  • Libya: The Charger at the Ottawa demonstrationThe Canadian Charger
    March 23, 2011

    Libyan Canadians and their supporters gathered across the street from the office building where Libya has offices comprising its embassy. They were there in support of the uprising and to demand that Gadhafi leave. They waved flags, hoisted placards, chanted slogans, and listened to speakers.

  • Life without liberty and the pursuit of subverting civil rightsThe Canadian Charger
    January 29, 2012

    Hermann Goring, Hitler's designated successor, wrote that the most efficient way to remove citizens' democratic and human rights was to convince them that they were being threatened by a foreign or external threat. The people will then sit passively by while all sorts of draconian laws are passed, subverting civil rights, because they feel these laws are necessary to protect them from perceived threats - whether real or imagined.

  • Like Louis XVI Egypt's Mubarak Professor Lawrence Davidson
    February 10, 2011

    Through his stubbornness Hosni Mubarak has managed to transform himself from a 30 year old "loyal ally" into an 82 year old liability. Almost all dictators cling to power as long as they can. They get used to being the boss and it becomes a way of life for them. Mubarak is no different. But clearly the love of power is not all that is going on with him.

  • Living with Chronic IllnessReuel S. Amdur
    March 21, 2014

    Most of us, especially if we live to old age, will find ourselves suffering from one or more chronic conditions. In most of these, it is up to us to decide how we cope. Not deciding is also a decision, but one that makes us an object, not a subject, not a participant in our own care.

  • Living with DignityReuel S. Amdur
    July 11, 2016

    Dying with dignity is coming into its own. We have already had a first case, in which a woman with Lou Gehrig's disease was given court clearance for medically assisted death. Dying with dignity is one thing, but what about living with dignity? We are after all an aging population.

  • Lobbying corrupts US governmentProfessor Lawrence Davidson
    April 29, 2011

    In a piece titled Lobby, Lobbification, Lobbified I asserted that lobby power has corrupted the legislative branches of government particularly at the federal level. How and why this has happened needs further explanation.

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