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  • Providing false or incomplete information on a Canadian citizenship or immigration formEdward C. Corrigan
    April 30, 2016

    Many people come to our law office after they have applied for renewal of their Permanent Residence Card or after they have applied for Canadian Citizenship. After sending the Application to Citizenship and Immigration Canada and setting out the time that they were "in Canada" they receive a request from Citizenship and Immigration Canada that they provide proof of the time spent in Canada. This process is called "Proof of Residence."

  • Putting Palestine back on the agendaAlan Hart
    April 18, 2012

    By asserting that Iran is a threat to Israel's existence (a ludicrous assertion) and beating the drums for war with it, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has succeeded in getting Palestine off the political and mainstream media agenda and winning more time for Zionism to consolidate its occupation of the West Bank.

  • Putting the Social Assistance Review Commission on the right trackReuel S. Amdur
    March 26, 2012

    The Lankin-Sheikh commission to review Ontario social assistance has produced a second discussion paper, Approaches for Reform, to encourage further submissions prior to their final report in June. Their discussion paper is unfortunately focused on a largely economic analysis of the program. What are lacking are historical, social, psychological, and public health considerations.

  • Qatar and the Muslim BrotherhoodProf. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    June 29, 2017

    Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood have emerged together in recent news headlines and I can safely predict that they will continue to do so in the near future.

  • Qatar will host World Cup'22, Obama says it's a "bad decision"John Whitbeck
    December 8, 2010

    (December 2, 2010) One may fairly conclude that Barack Obama's over-hyped alleged efforts to "reach out" to the Arab and Muslim worlds ended today when he responded, with a breathtaking lack of grace, to Qatar's defeat of the United States (as well as Australia, Japan and South Korea) in the competition to stage the 2022 World Cup by branding the decision by the FIFA executive committee a "bad decision."

  • Qatar: The cost of supporting terroristsProf. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    September 9, 2017

    According to a Bloomberg News survey of economists in mid-August, Qatar's economy will expand at the slowest pace since 1995, as the impact of the Saudi Arabia - led boycott is felt on trade and investor confidence.

  • Quebec students march againReuel S. Amdur
    July 27, 2012

    Quebec's student strike is serving as an inspiration for university students elsewhere as well. Ottawa university students are wearing the red square, marching, and getting arrested, even if at the moment the Ontario echo is, to mix metaphors, but a trickle.

  • Quebec's Charter of WrongsThe Canadian Charger
    September 22, 2013

    Back in 1946, the state of Georgia had a county unit system of voting for the state-wide party primary elections.

  • Quebec's place in CanadaThe Canadian Charger
    October 24, 2014

    Canada's founding fathers gave Ottawa a gift by making it Canada's capital. "Would it not be appropriate for Ottawa to return the favor by becoming officially bilingual?" That was a question posed by Laval Political Science Professor Guy Laforest, speaking on Parliament Hill on October 9 in one of a series of talks sponsored by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

  • Quebec: Just a crazy man with a gun?Reuel S. Amdur
    September 15, 2012

    Last week in Canada, in the province of Quebec Richard Henry Bain shot and killed Denis Blanchette, who was trying to prevent him from entering the building where Pauline Marois was addressing her Parti Québécois supporters following the Quebec election in which her party won the most seats. The Canadian media reported Bain is bipolar. Isn't that the explanation for his behavior? Need we look further? Yes, we must.

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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.

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