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  • Arafat's Death - There’s really no mysteryAlan Hart
    November 19, 2013

    For once Israel is telling a part of the truth. It was impossible for any of its own (Israeli-Jewish) agents to get into the rubble of Arafat's compound to administer the poison that killed him. But they didn't need direct access. Israel's role was to provide the radioactive polonium for one of its collaborators in Fatah's leadership.

  • Are Canadians the new political kingmakers in Peru?Yves Engler
    January 5, 2011

    Are Canadians the new political kingmakers in Peru? A leading candidate for president in Peru's April election "took his campaign" to Vancouver reported the city's leading daily. Last December Alejandro Toledo - who served a previous term as president - met mining officials, investment bankers and journalists, telling them his government would improve the climate for mineral exploration and mine development.

  • Are disabled workers being exploited?Reuel S. Amdur
    April 14, 2015

    Fifty mentally deficient workers employed on sorting waste paper were in danger of losing their jobs with Library and Archives Canada before Employment and Social Development Minister Pierre Polievre intervened to save the program, at least for the time being.

  • Are disabled workers being exploited?Reuel S. Amdur
    May 8, 2015

    Fifty mentally deficient workers employed on sorting waste paper were in danger of losing their jobs with Library and Archives Canada before Employment and Social Development Minister Pierre Polievre intervened to save the program, at least for the time being.

  • Are genetically modified foods safe?The Canadian Charger
    October 14, 2009

    Genetically modified organisms (GMO's) were on the table, so to speak.

  • Are the Liberals good alternatives to Harper?The Canadian Charger
    June 22, 2015

    In its 6-months poll - Are the Liberals good alternatives to Harper? - the Canadian Charger found the percentage of readers who answered yes has been decreasing. And in mid-May, an EKOS Research poll showed that the Liberal Party has for the first time since Justin Trudeau became leader two years ago slipped below the Conservative Party. Meanwhile the NDP have gained enough support to make the race for the October federal election a virtual tie, with just three points separating the Conservatives, the NDP, and the Liberals.

  • Are we Canadians the 51st American state?The Canadian Charger
    November 21, 2012

    The final chapter of Yves Engler's The Ugly Canadian sums up Canada's role in the world today as America's errand-boy and PM Harper's government as a right-wing, militaristic, ideologically and theologically driven outfit always ready to look after the interests of powerful corporations in particular and the rich in general.

  • Are You Lonesome Tonight?Scott Stockdale
    January 30, 2018

    In the wake of the 2107 Joe Cox Commission on loneliness report that concluded that more nine million people in the UK always or often feel lonely, Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed a minister for loneliness, in an effort to tackle social isolation.

  • Are you suffering from hoarding?Reuel S. Amdur
    February 5, 2011

    From time to time, the media carry stories about houses full of cats or other animals. That's what is called animal hoarding.

  • Are you surprised?The Canadian Charger
    October 24, 2021

    "The job of Canada's special envoy (Irwin Cotler) on preserving Holocaust remembrance and fighting antisemitism is now a permanent role," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday October 13, 2021, "Cotler's office will be supported by dedicated resources".

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