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  • Ontario's small-scale renewablesPeter Gorrie
    October 22, 2009

    "Ontario's Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program," according

  • Who is fostering widespread hatred of Islam?Philip Weiss
    September 5, 2011

    On Friday, the Center for American Progress published an important and excellent study, called Fear, Inc:

  • The blatancy of apartheidPhilip Weiss
    August 7, 2012

    I'm no stranger to Israel and Palestine, still what shocks me about coming here is how blatant the system of unfairness is. Why is this not utterly familiar to me? I wonder. Why don't Americans see this every day in the news? What kind of fairyland image are we getting of this place, and why? Or as the Canadian Christian pilgrim said to me last night leaving Qalandiya checkpoint, "What endless humiliation. And why is it such an open secret back home?" So everything here brings me back to the American denial, our blindered media, and to American Jewish identity and the lies that American Jews have told one another for generations.

  • Obama and AfghanistanPhyllis Bennis
    December 2, 2009

    The president had a difficult decision to make. The war had been raging for a long time. The U.S. and its far-away enemies had fought to a stalemate - but people just kept dying.

  • Obama's Afghanistan speechPhyllis Bennis
    December 9, 2009

    There was one way in which President Obama's escalation speech brought significant relief to the 59% of people in this country, as well as the overwhelming majorities of people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Middle East and elsewhere who oppose the U.S. war in Afghanistan: It was a pretty lousy speech.

  • Haiti, Afghanistan, Yemen, Gaza and ObamaPhyllis Bennis
    January 27, 2010

    Catastrophe in Haiti, escalation in Afghanistan, new threats against Yemen, Israeli siege of Gaza tightens...and Obama's been in office a year now. Yikes.

  • The Arab world's intifadaPhyllis Bennis
    November 20, 2011

    The "Arab spring" may have started in early 2011 when a young Tunisian fruit seller, in a desperate response to disempowerment and despair, immolated himself in the streets of a small town. But its origins link directly to the first Palestinian intifada, the non-violent, society-wide mobilization that transformed Palestine's national struggle beginning in the late 1980s.

  • In Gaza Airstrikes, an Appeal to Netanyahu's HardlinersPhyllis Bennis
    November 21, 2012

    As is always the case, history is shaped by when you start the clock. In the last several days U.S. media accounts have reported increasing violence on the Gaza-Israel border, most of them beginning with a Palestinian attack on Israeli soldiers on Thursday, November 8.

  • Settlement Reached in Case of Professor Fired for "Uncivil"
    November 27, 2015

    November 12, 2015, Chicago - Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and co-counsel Loevy & Loevy announced the settlement of Professor Steven Salaita's case against the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) for firing him from his tenured position over his personal tweets criticizing the Israeli government's assault on Gaza in 2014. Professor Salaita sued UIUC, the university Board of Trustees and high-level administrators for violating his First Amendment right to free speech and for breach of contract. Salaita's firing became a flashpoint for debates over academic freedom, free speech, and the repression of Palestinian rights advocacy. In exchange for Professor Salaita's agreement to release his claims, the university has agreed to pay $875,000.

  • Palestine: A seat at UN is too much to ask? Prince el Hassan bin Talal
    October 4, 2011

    On Nov. 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly recommended that Palestine, which was under a British Mandate since 1922, be divided into two new independent states - one Arab and one Jewish.

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