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  • Spaun: A human brain model that can thinkThe Canadian Charger
    January 10, 2013

    University of Waterloo professor of systems design engineering Chris Eliasmith and his team of researchers has not only created the world's largest functional brain model, they've created the only one that can perform the specific tasks researchers ask it to do, according to Terry Stewart, post doctoral research associate and project manager for the brain model called Spaun.

  • Math is good for your healthThe Canadian Charger
    March 10, 2013

    Siv Sivaloganathan, a professor in the University of Waterloo's Department of Applied Mathematics, comments that mathematics has contributed to dramatic advances in the sciences as well as in many other fields of human endeavour; however, in a sense, he says that the biomedical sciences represent the final frontier for mathematicians, an area where the full power of mathematics has yet to be felt.

  • Seniors are usThe Canadian Charger
    February 17, 2013

    After interviewing seniors in the Waterloo region, over the last three years, University of Waterloo School of Planning professor John Lewis said their major concern is the affordability of some recreational programs, followed by housing and housing affordability.

  • Son of Israeli general supports PalestineThe Canadian Charger
    March 10, 2013

    "Israel never had any intention to allow a Palestinian state. The West Bank is completely part of the State of Israel." That is what Miko Peled told a sold-out crowd at an event on February 26 in Ottawa's St. Paul University. The talk was sponsored by the National Council on Canada-Arab Relations.

  • Why is Morsi a failure in every sense?The Canadian Charger
    March 25, 2013

    In politics as in physics there are basic laws, if a political leader respects and follows them he will succeed but if not he will fail, often with a high price paid by the people. Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is a classic example of a failed political leader and the 92 million Egyptians are now paying a heavy price.

  • Palestinians are victims of victimsThe Canadian Charger
    March 25, 2013

    In a recent lecture at Toronto’s Ryerson University, as part of five-city Canadian tour, Afif Safieh, the most senior Ambassador of the Palestinian Diplomatic Corps, stressed the need for the international community to respect international law, even when Israel is the violator of this law.

  • The leadership of the Liberal PartyThe Canadian Charger
    April 12, 2013

    Nine contenders were in the running in the current contest for the leadership of the Liberal Party. The Canadian Charger's Reuel Amdur had the opportunity to speak with three of them, including front-runner Justin Trudeau.

  • Mayans against Canadian minesThe Canadian Charger
    April 12, 2013

    Lolita Chávez, a spokesman for the Council of the Quiché People of Guatemala, recently visited several Canadian cities and is now touring the United States to publicize the plight of the Mayans at the hands of the mining companies and the Guatemalan government.

  • The emotional side of diabetesThe Canadian Charger
    April 28, 2013

    If diabetics were robots, things would be a lot easier. Robots can be programmed, and therefore we could program them to test their blood sugar, adjust meals accordingly, and take insulin by mouth or injection as required. Fortunately or unfortunately, diabetics are human.

  • Harper's Canada: Aboriginal rights mean nothingThe Canadian Charger
    May 7, 2013

    As Kwitsel Tatel's case for illegal possession of fish, contrary to provisions in Canada's Fisheries Act is now in its ninth year, the Aboriginal women from the Fraser Valley in British Columbia said the people of Canada should see how the government of Canada is operating systematically to see that Aboriginal people are overrepresented in Canada's penal system.

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