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  • GriefReuel S. Amdur
    October 26, 2019

    Grief is not just about death. It is a natural response to any loss. That is what Caitlin Sigg told an audience at the Royal Ottawa Hospital on September 24. She is a PhD candidate and part-time professor at St. Paul University. She noted that grief is a subject people are uncomfortable talking about. Yet, we all experience it, not just as an event but as a process.

  • Medical MarijuanaReuel S. Amdur
    November 12, 2019

    Medical marijuana is in an ambiguous position. Its products lack DIN drug identification numbers. As a Health Canada web site explains, "A DIN uniquely identifies the following product characteristics: manufacturer; product name; active ingredient(s); strength(s) of active ingredient(s); pharmaceutical form; route of administration." And, "A drug product sold in Canada without a DIN is not in compliance with Canadian law."

  • Social Prescribing for HealthReuel S. Amdur
    February 18, 2020

    The United Kingdom has a Minister of Loneliness. That is something that Natasha Beaudin noted in her talk to Ottawa's SWAG (Social Workers in Aging and Gerontology) on January 23. She is a health promoter at Ottawa’s Centretown Community Health Centre. She spoke on social prescribing, referral of patients to non-medical activities, be they arts, leisure activities, or the like.

  • The Promise of a Guaranteed IncomeReuel S. Amdur
    March 12, 2020

    While the Rob Ford Tories pulled the rug on the basic income pilot project, involving some 4,000 people, researchers have been at work trying to sort out what can be learned. Of course, the unexpected termination caused distress for many of those taking part, who saw their planning for the future unexpectedly torpedoed. Before the election, Ford had promised to continue the program were he elected.

  • It's not just RacismReuel S. Amdur
    June 23, 2020

    The reaction to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis has led to the opening of a serious discussion about police treatment of people of color. It has also raised the wider issue of prejudice and discrimination in society. Putting these matters on the agenda is extremely important but focus on color in police interactions is too narrow. The wider issue is that of abuse of power in general. You don't have to be black to suffer at the hands of police.

  • Meng's case continues to haunt usReuel S. Amdur
    June 23, 2020

    On May 27, Justice Heather Holmes ruled that the American request for extradition of Meng Wanzhou could continue, as the charge of fraud is a valid basis for such action. The implication is for probably years in additional appeals and wrangling. As a result, we can foresee that Chinese custody of two Canadians, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovig, will continue throughout the process of Meng's legal procedures, leaving them to Xi Jinping's not-so-tender-mercies. They were taken into custody in retaliation for her being freed from custody on tight bail conditions. All but forgotten by his government, Imam Huseyin Celil, a Uyghur human rights defender and Canadian citizen, has been held in China since 2006.

  • On the Road to ArmageddonReuel S. Amdur
    June 29, 2020

    On June 18, President Donald Trump issued an executive order authorizing sanctions against International Criminal Court staff investigating possible war crimes committed by U.S. forces and CIA agents in Afghanistan. The court is also investigating the Afghan government and the Taliban in the same regard. Sanctions apply as well to families of the staff and could both include being barred from the U.S. and sanctions of an economic nature.

  • The Care and Feeding of the Chinese GovernmentReuel S. Amdur
    July 9, 2020

    Some have argued that a prisoner swap for Meng Wanzhou would be a capitulation that would encourage China to seize more Canadians in order to get their way. Two problems with such a reading of the situation.

  • Fruitless negotiations with ChinaReuel S. Amdur
    September 9, 2020

    Canada continues to spin its wheels in efforts to get Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor released from Chinese confinement. And what is missing is any recognition of the other two Canadians in custody, Sun Qian and Huseyin Celil. Sun has been sentenced to eight years for her participation in Falun Gong and Celil has spent 14 years in custody because he is a Uyghur human rights defender.

  • Dementia and Culture Reuel S. Amdur
    September 25, 2020

    With three-quarters of new immigrants coming from Africa and Asia, we need to give attention to the peculiar health needs of this population. One aspect of the problem is how we address dementia, including Alzheimer's. Dementia mainly affects older people, 65 plus. There are roughly 25,000 new cases annually in Canada. A quarter of people over 85 are afflicted. The disease is seen by people from various cultures in different ways.

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