It is not easy being a teen these days, nor to be the parent of a teen. Parents cannot compare what being a teen was like when they were teenagers. A big difference is the incredible impact that the social media have today. Another factor is the massive growth in the available amount of knowledge, courtesy of Google. The world of today's young people is not our world, and we cannot understand how they experience it. As Kahlil Gibran put it, "You may house their bodies but not their souls. For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams."
In the shadow of last year's celebration of the centennial of the War of 1812, who would have foreseen that the war would be reopened? Yet, such is the case. We might not have noticed, till Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney brought it to our attention.
"Denationalization"-that has been the plight of Palestinians, according to Nadia Abu-Zahra, an Assistant Professor in International Development and Global Studies at the University of Ottawa. What does that term mean?
There will never be a Palestinian state. That was the opinion expressed by the distinguished international journalist Robert Fisk at a packed lecture hall at Carleton University on January 22. The session was sponsored by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East and by a pro-Palestinian University of Ottawa student group.
Off to the Middle East to bolster a non-existent peace process. One wonders why Obama bothered.
There will never be a Palestinian state. That was the opinion expressed by the distinguished international journalist Robert Fisk at a packed lecture hall at Carleton University on January 22.
"A sucker is born every minute." - P.T. Barnum
"Syria is a problem for nations in and out of the region. No one really knows how things will pan out." That was the dour assessment by Brian Davis at a session in Ottawa on April 16, sponsored by the National Council on Canada Arab Relations. Davis was Canadian ambassador to Syria.
Just after the Boston bombing, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau told CBC interviewer Peter Mansbridge that "Over the coming days we have to look at the root cause…. But there is no question that this happened because there is someone who feels completely excluded, completely at war with innocents, at war with society."
The Road to Apartheid is a film which looks at the ways in which Israeli treatment of the Palestinians is like how white South Africans treated the blacks, and how different. Is Israel's treatment of the Palestinians Apartheid?
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.