For immediate Release
As our federal Liberals bow to Israeli pressure to sharply cut back aid to besieged Palestinians, Canadians have spoken their opposition by stepping up their donations to UNRWA-the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, founded in 1949 to help Palestinians following the establishment of the state of Israel.
CALGARY- OK, everybody, sit down and take a few deep breaths.
This novel is indeed a page-turner. I read it with fascination and enjoyed it at different levels.
Mariam Ashraf was an eight-year-old Coptic girl. On Oct. 20, she went with her family to the Church of the Virgin, in Cairo, for a relative's wedding.
On December 27, air strikes by Israel hit over 40 Gaza targets.
Just as fresh revelations keep oozing out about the broad extent of the international criminality perpetrated by
When Splitting the Sky broke through police lines in his attempt to conduct a citizen's arrest of former U.S. president George W. Bush while visiting Canada, the Mohawk freedom fighter pierced a thick wall of tyranny.
Has Sebastian Junger been cast as a front-line propagandist in the ongoing psychological operation of poisoning public consciousness so that citizens will support the Obama regime's unconscionable extension and escalation of the 9/11wars?
In its December 17 missive entitled, "The Archetypal Outsider," the editorial board of The Globe and Mail added yet another establishment voice to the condemnation of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. The authors asked what happens when Assange "acts recklessly?" They continue, "To whom is he accountable?" OK. But this second question begs another question. To whom are the publishers of The Globe and Mail and its owners, Bell Canada Enterprises and Woodbridge Inc. accountable? Does The Globe and Mail ever recklessly use its extraordinary power to decide what to place on the public record of national discourse and what to keep out?
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