After weeks of struggling over the niqab issue, the Quebec government introduced Bill 94, which, if it passes, will create a one-of-a-kind law.
Given its growing control over key government institutions and its unmatched mobilizing capabilities, the Muslim Brotherhood will likely remain Egypt's most consequential political actor for many years to come. But who are the men who make up this uniquely cohesive and secretive "society," and what impact will they have on the country's domestic and foreign policy?
Navigating the murky waters of identity formation can be a treacherous path in today's globalized world.
The tragic killing of Corporal Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Office Patrice Vincent by two deranged individuals reminded Canadians that terrorism is a threat in Canada and that they should work together to promote the values of harmony and mutual respect. But some individuals are doing just the opposite.
Muslims in the West have felt uncomfortable since 9/11. Now Canadian Muslims fear they are being turned into a political football for this year's federal election.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is battling a Muslim woman who at a citizenship ceremony refused to remove her niqab (a veil commonly worn by Muslim women in public that covers the whole face apart from the eyes). She said that she would not violate her religious beliefs. But the losers in the long run are likely to be Canadian Muslims, whom Islamophobes accuse of trying to impose their customs on Canadians. The Federal Court of Canada has ruled that it's "unlawful" to force immigrants to remove the veil while taking the oath of citizenship because Canada's immigration law empowers citizenship judges to accommodate religious needs.
A Rohingya Muslim woman holds a child as she pumps water at a camp for refugees in New Delhi, India, Monday, Sept. 18, 2017. Tsering Topgyal / AP
The Dalai Lama has urged Myanmar’s authorities to heed Gautama Buddha’s teachings and cease harassing their Muslim countrymen. Nobel Peace prize winners Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Malala Yousufzai have also urged an end to what the United Nations has called the ethnic cleansing of defenseless Rohingya.
On May 24, 2010 the Freedom Flotilla sets sail for Gaza determined, once again, to challenge Israel's blockade of 1.5 million Palestinians trapped in an open-air prison.
Inspired perhaps by the fading echoes of George W. Bush; Stephen Harper has presented Canadians with a false choice on Middle East peace: either voice "absolute, non-negotiable belief in Israel" or be declared an anti-Semite. Stephen Harper refuses to be a real friend to the Israelis in the sense that he excuses their more objectionable behaviour for the sake of political support, business deals and misplaced guilt.
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