Donald Trump has been speaking aloud what Republicans have been dog-whistling—racial concern and xenophobia. That has been his strength in certain sectors of the population and his weakness elsewhere. So said Prof. Richard Johnston, University of British Columbia Canadian Research Chair in Public Opinion, Elections, and Representation. He was speaking recently at a Big Thinking event on Canada's Parliament Hill.
In the wake of the August 17, 2017 out-of-court settlement of a lawsuit against two American psychologists, Dr. Bruce Jessen and Dr. James Mitchell, who helped devise the Central Intelligence Agency's brutal interrogation program, it appears that probably "due to national security" the American government wanted to keep the details of the CIA's brutality out of the public domain.
New anti-Rohingya, anti-Muslim pogroms broke out in Rakhine (Arakan) state in Burma (Myanmar) in October. Hundreds were killed and tens of thousands fled, some to internal refugee camps and some by boat.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is suffering a major hangover - without the help of alcohol beforehand.
Making people pay more for energy to reduce consumption and to encourage conservation is a good idea but it is important that the costs are shared in an equitable fashion and that the poor and middle-class Canadians do not pay more than their fair share.
Despite detailed warnings the Sri Lankan government did nothing to prevent more than 320 people being killed in Easter Sunday bombings. Many Sri Lankans feel their government essentially allowed more than 320 lives to be needlessly wasted.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised Canadians electoral reform while campaigning in the 2015 election that brought him to power; but that promise is now frozen in another time, as it has long-since been abandoned by the Trudeau government.
In 2017, the Liberal government in Québec passed Bill 62, banning the wearing of face coverings for anyone providing or receiving government services.
1. On February 14, 1896, Theodor Herzl (1860 - 1904) published a 60-page pamphlet called Der Judenstaat in Vienna. The German title is translated as: The Jewish State: Proposal of a Modern Solution for the Jewish Question.
TORONTO - An Ontario judge who heard a defamation lawsuit against Sun News Network host Ezra Levant ruled Thursday that the controversial media personality libelled a Saskatchewan lawyer in a series of blog posts the judge said were "motivated by malice."
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