As the world grieves the dead of Japan's horrific earthquake and tsunami, we are also learning firsthand about the vulnerability of nuclear energy.
The head of government in each of the provinces is termed the premier, except in Quebec where he is called the prime minister. In the case of Quebec's François Legault, the title is well chosen, as the term minister has both a governmental sense and a religious one. In the religious sense, he is the Minister of Laïcité, assuring the religious neutrality of the state. With Quebec's Bill 21, he wishes to demonstrate that neutrality by forbidding government employees in positions of authority, including teachers, from displaying religious symbols.
The BDS campaign (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) takes various forms. Sometimes the focus is on Israel as such, and sometimes it has a more limited focus. The Carleton University group, Students Against Israeli Apartheid, has focused on the university's pension plan, calling for divestment from corporations doing business in the Occupied Territories, not hitting more broadly at all those doing business in Israel.
The COVID-19 crisis has thrown a glaring light on the long-standing problems in long-term care. A major part of the outbreak has occurred in these homes, most especially in those that are privately run. The military were called upon to address the most disastrous situations and they detailed the horror stories in some of the homes.
Canada is at the very top, and not in a good way. We lead in the percentage of COVID-19 deaths in long-term care—81%, compared to 28% in Australia, 31% in the United States, and 66% in Spain. Surely, we are doing something wrong. According to the Working Group on Long-Term Care of the Royal Society of Canada, we're doing lots that is wrong. Their report is titled "Restoring Trust: COVID-19 and the Future of Long-Term Care."
Donald Trump is paying the price for his failure to adhere to the practice of wearing a mask whenever in contact with other people, especially in crowds. His diagnosis of COVID-19 serves as a stern warning for the rest of us.
Israel claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East. Of course, ancient Athens was also a democracy, but built on slavery. Israel's democracy is built on denial of the rights of its Palestinian minority and its colonial and irredentist exploitation and mistreatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Moreover, it wants to remain "the only democracy" in the area.
Former diplomat Gar Pardy has rallied an impressive group of prominent Canadians in appealing to the government to undertake an exchange with China of Meng Wanzhou, currently held on an extradition request from the United States, for Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, two Canadians seized by China in retaliation. What Pardy proposes is a low-ball offer.
Binyamin Netanyahu is a Jewish Bismarck. He has combined a malicious cunning with a wilful strategy and effective tactics to accomplish his imperialist aims. At one point, he promised that as long as he was prime minister of Israel there would never be a Palestinian state. So far, he has kept his word.
Prime Minister Trudeau has decided to get tough with China, but the timing is off. The time to get tough is after our four (not two!) political prisoners are back home and our four prisoners in China sentenced to death for drug offenses have their sentences reduced. Getting tough will simply irritate the Chinese leadership. In retaliation they may begin to execute the drug offenders.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.