Study and Work Permit holders from visa-exempt countries who received their permit on or before July 31, 2015 now need an Electronic Transfer Authorization or an eTA to fly or transit to Canada. The leniency period that allows travellers to board their flight without an eTA ends on November 9, 2016. However, up until November 9, 2016, you can board your flight without an eTA, as long as you have appropriate travel documents such as a valid passport. During this leniency period, border services officers can let you enter the country as long as you meet the other requirements to enter Canada.
Canadians went to polls on October 19, 2015 and elected the Liberals to a majority government. There was much criticism of the Federal Conservative government's policies on Citizenship and Immigration. However, to be fair some of the policies enacted by the Conservatives were necessary or of a positive nature.
On January 1, 2015 the Federal Conservatives introduced significant changes to Canada's economic immigration program. Formerly called the Skilled Worker program the new program was re-branded as Express Entry which included Skilled Workers, the Federal Skilled Trades program, and the In-Canada Experience Program. Canada modelled its revamped economic immigration program on New Zealand's.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has closed its Parents and Grandparents Sponsor Program for Canadian citizens and permanent residents for 2018. The Federal Government in December 2016 decided to change the process for acceptance of an Application to Sponsor a Parent or Grand Parent from a first come first serve basis to a lottery approach. This year the online submission form to show interest closed at noon EST on February 1, 2018.
There are some important changes that are going to impact refugees and even Permanent Residents in Canada. In the Ontario budget, released on April 11, 2019, Legal Aid Ontario-s funding was $133 million less in fiscal year 2019-2020 than the $456 million it had anticipated.[1] In 2020 Legal Aid Ontario will somehow have to operate on further reduction of another $31 million. [2]
Tuesday, September 11, 2001, was a non-teaching day for me. I was home when the phone rang at 9 A.M. It was my daughter, who was on a week's vacation with her future husband. "Turn on the TV," she said. "Why?" I asked. "Haven't you heard? A plane hit the World Trade Tower."
The media seem to move on from mass killings more quickly nowadays than they used to, and within three days of the Aurora, Colo., cinema massacre the killer's first appearance in court didn’t make the front of The New York Times.
Day after day, Israel defies international law and the international community. Its Apartheid Wall annexes occupied Palestinian territory and displaces the local Palestinian population. It inflicts collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza through a crippling blockade and ferocious attacks involving illegal weapons.
The important issues are ignored and tensions needlessly aroused.
Gideon Bibles were part of our lives when I was a child in school 50 years ago. Even in high school, the days started with the national anthem, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Principal reading us a passage from the New Testament over the PA system. School, church, and Sunday school were a seamless web. There were hymns at school assemblies, and there were flags and prayers for the Queen in church sanctuaries.
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