(Toronto, May 30) The tension was palpable as demonstrators against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Canada faced off against demonstrators from the Jewish Defence League (JDL), across Stratchan Avenue, at the Princess Gates entrance to the CNE.
A new McCarthyism is escalating in Canada, and a lot of Canadians are not aware of it.
Due to the Harper government's one-sided support for Israel, Canada has lost a lot of prestige in the world, said British Television journalist and author Alan Hart at fundraising dinners for the Canadian Charger. Hart is the author of three volumes Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews.
Very few Canadian journalists aspire to foreign work to that fraction of the Canadian public who want to know, about world events, according to Maclean's blogger and senior columnist Paul Wells.
Despite Prime Minister Harper's assertions that the G20 leaders have agreed on measures to enhance the nascent global economic recovery, disagreements remain. At a press conference to wrap up the G20 Summit in Toronto, Mr. Harper tried to gloss over the disagreements between G20 leaders.
We need a media that's the fourth estate, not the state, according to American author and political activist Amy Goodman.
A July 1st Toronto Star letter to the editor, by Dimitri N. Soudas, Director of Communications, Office of the Prime Minister, is entitled "No role in keeping media away - Re Harper helps Hu keep critics away, June 25" (Toronto Star), but this may not be the whole story. My attempt to gain access to Prime Minister Harper, at the G20, Saturday, June 26, indicates that there is a lot more to it than Mr. Soudas is letting on.
Despite witnessing death and unspeakable suffering aboard the Mavi Marmara - the lead ship in the Gaza Flotilla - two Canadian activists said breaking the nearly three-year-old blockade of Gaza remains their primary goal.
"I left my bat and brick at home and brought my voice. Now you're really going to get it," read one of the signs at the march protesting police conduct at the G20, Saturday afternoon.
Shortly after being elected Prime Minister in 2006, Stephen Harper made Afghanistan a priority as it was one of his first stops as Prime Minister.
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