On Sept. 8, one of my nightmares came true. Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, a client of mine who had been held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba for more than 10 years, died alone in his cell. His tragic death will surely be greeted with a shrug by some, but it should prompt all of us to reconsider our decision to continue the operation of our infamous offshore prison camp.
Ordinary people, elected and unelected, behaved heroically last week. Unfortunately, it all happened far from Washington.
"Barack Obama has established a strong record as a true friend of Israel, a stalwart defender of Israel's security, and an effective advocate of strengthening the steadfast U.S.-Israel relationship, publicly stating that Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state should never be challenged." - Lester Crown
At Guelph University Conservative operatives recently tried to nullify the vote of several hundred students at a poll set up to facilitate student voting. They failed, but there is a far subtler and more effective way of eliminating troublesome voters, students, Aboriginals, the poor and the elderly alike.
Back in March 2009, two federal heavyweights-Irwin Cotler, former Liberal justice minister, and Jason Kenney, current Conservative minister of citizenship-founded the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism. The name speaks for itself. A report featuring statistics and policy recommendations should be released sometime this fall.
We dismiss claims about mobiles being bad for our health - but is that because studies showing a link to cancer have been cast into doubt by the industry?
CAIRO: Tuesday's protests represent a national stance and a turning point in Egypt's history since the bread riots of 1977, said Amr El-Chobaki, senior researcher at Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies on Wednesday.
Egypt began its first round of balloting in November; one of the outcomes of the January uprising that ousted the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak. This followed the military's attempt to hold onto power by using draconian measures against renewed protests in Tahrir Square, where military and police killed 40 and injured 2,000.
Just after Thanksgiving, Montreal's Westin Hotel played host to a gathering of high-powered Federal Court judges, NGO heads, lawyers, academics, and members of Canada's torture-complicit spy service, CSIS. Coming together under the predictably dry title "Terrorism, Law and Democracy: 10 years after 9/11," the conference sought to determine "whether Canadian law has successfully preserved fundamental rights and values of substantive and procedural justice while at the same time contributing to anti-terrorism."
Practicing brief sessions of Hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation can significantly improve brain function and energy levels, according to a new study from the University of Waterloo.
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