In Canada, one of 200 people is a redhead. The same proportion applies for people who are of physically indeterminate gender and, according to Dr. Leah Layman-Pleet, of people who are transgender. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) gives an incidence far lower, less than .2% for persons born as male and less than .1% for females. It has been the common practice for physicians who deliver a baby of indeterminate sex, with mixed genital expression, to operate to transform the baby into a male or female, according to what appears to be the predominate characteristics. Now, many physicians avoid performing such surgery and allow the person to grow up with these anomalies intact.
Getting Back in the Game, Paul Heinbecker, Key Porter Books, Toronto, 2010.
Iraqi Yazidis have been in the news lately, and not pleasant news. The Islamic State extremists have overrun some Yazidi villages, with the command to convert to their brand of Islam or die. Many have been killed or have fled. Women have been carried off. But who are the Yazidis?
The Interparliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism was holding their convention on Parliament Hill on November 8, but they had competition. Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) booked a room for a press conference.
We are not alone-or are we? Is there life elsewhere in the universe? We have found water on Mars, indicating the possibility that there may be or may have been some kind of life on that planet. But now NASA has come up with one better, a planet with the burdensome name of Kepler 452b. We'll call it Kepler for short.
In a speech before the Interparliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism, Prime Minister Stephen Harper delighted the delegates in talking about "Jewish students under attack," apparently referring to Israel Apartheid Week. He also took aim at "a hateful ideology. . . which targets the Jewish homeland as a scapegoat," tying this "ideology" to the slaughter in Mumbai.
I am a member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW) and the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. For a number of years I worked in the field of social assistance, leaving a position as a supervisor with the Ottawa Ontario Works agency in 1999. Since then I have assisted people appealing denial of ODSP. I was the principal author of the OASW briefs to the Social Assistance Review Committee (SARC), which issued its report in 1988.
On December 10, Judge Simon Noël ruled against Mohamed Harkat, for whom a security certificate is in effect. This decision could open the door for his deportation.
Whatever might be said in criticism of the Trudeau government, sunny days appear to be dawning over the Aboriginal file.
A few years ago, I pointed out to Richard Sanders, the coordinator of the Coalition to End the Arms Trade (COAT) that Canada was actively engaged in the illegal war in Iraq.
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