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  • Reconciliation but not with governmentReuel S. Amdur
    October 27, 2010

    Murray Sinclair, who heads up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, told an audience at convocation at Ottawa's Carleton University about some little-known aspects of the law surrounding the residential schools tragedy.

  • Canada: Who Gets In?Reuel S. Amdur
    October 28, 2010

    People are upset because refugees arrive clandestinely by boat. Well, why not have Canadian immigration officials in places like Sri Lanka to screen people so that they don't have to arrive in unseaworthy ships? That is what Ruth Goldbloom proposes.

  • Apartheid Israel: An eye witness accountReuel S. Amdur
    November 10, 2010

    Israel calls itself the only democracy in the Middle East, but you would not know it from what happens in the West Bank, according to Ala Jaradat. Jaradat, the program manager for Addameer, a Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, was addressing the Canada-Palestine Parliamentary Group on November 1 on Parliament Hill. Addameer assists prisoners from the West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem.

  • Canada's homeless youthReuel S. Amdur
    November 4, 2010

    What is the difference between a young person in care with the Children’s Aid Society who makes a successful transition to adult life and one who does not? According to Kelly Raymond, a social worker with the Ottawa Children's Aid Society (CAS) currently working on a doctorate from the University of Montreal, stability is the key. If a child has the same foster family throughout childhood, that child has a better chance of making it.

  • Montreal: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, part 1/2Reuel S. Amdur
    November 4, 2010

    The conference opened on October 22 with a panel composed of Areej Ja'fari, Stephen Faulkner, and Omar Barghouti. Ja'fari coordinates the West Bank Palestine Freedom Project and has organized BDS campaigns in refugee camps. Faulkner was there representing the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). His talk drove the hall wild. Omar Barghouti is a founding member of the Palestinian Campaign for BDS and the author of The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights, soon to be published in English. A French version is already available.

  • Montreal: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, part 2/2Reuel S. Amdur
    November 4, 2010

    Health care in Gaza was under attack during Operation Cast Lead. It still is. Ewa Jasiewicz, an English-Polish journalist and organizer, was there. She rode in the ambulances with the medical rescuers. She could not tell anything about conditions in the West Bank and Jerusalem, as she has been barred from those places for the last seven years. Her entrance to Gaza was via blockade-crashing ships.

  • The Arctic: not up for grabsReuel S. Amdur
    November 4, 2010

    The popular view that the Arctic is an area of massive unresolved claims is simply wrong. So says Michael Byers, Canada Research Chair in Global Politics and International Law at the University of British Columbia.

  • Iran in OttawaReuel S. Amdur
    November 4, 2010

    Dr. Saeid Ameli, dean of the faculty of global studies at Tehran University and the keynote speaker at the Ottawa conference called for the media to stop its general negative representation of his country.

  • Anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism?Reuel S. Amdur
    November 10, 2010

    Before I went to Montreal on October 22 to attend the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions event held at the campus of the University of Quebec at Montreal, I came across an article in the webzine Shalom Life. "Among the speakers will be Bongani Masuku, a top official in the Confederation of South African Trade Unions who has been found guilty by the South African Human Rights Commission of anti-Semitic hate speech."

  • Ford: A Criminal in Denial Reuel S. Amdur
    December 8, 2013

    The Rob Ford fiasco undermines the Rob Ford solution to the urban situation. His solution to the cost of services is to cut taxes and let services shrivel. He even contemplated closing libraries. His solution to gun crime is to ban all criminals convicted of gun offenses from living in Toronto and to demand an additional $10 million from the province for more police. Notice the contradiction between cutting taxes and demanding more money. He wants no part of "hug a thug" programs, and while he has had his football team he has opposed City Council giving financial support to other youth programs that might have a role to play in prevention.

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