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  • Winning Ways at Severn Avenue Public SchoolReuel S. Amdur
    November 1, 2012

    Miracles don't just happen. People make them happen. That is how Ottawa's Severn Avenue Public School jumped from an Ontario-wide ranking of achievement in 2005 at 35 from the bottom, up four years later by more than 1000 schools. The ranking put Severn at 1726 out of 2778 schools.

  • From Arab Spring to Winter: Courtesy of the U.S. & CanadaReuel S. Amdur
    November 1, 2012

    Arab freedom does not rank very high in Stephen Harper's priorities. That is why neither Canada nor the U.S. was cheering very loudly when the Egyptians were in the process of throwing off the chains of the Mubarak dictatorship. In that situation, Harper's expression of concern was that Egypt needed to keep the commitments made with Israel. The U.S. waffled because it wanted to keep its options open no matter who won.

  • Engler Raps EmpireReuel S. Amdur
    November 1, 2012

    Canada's foreign policy has served the interests of empire, "the British empire till after World War II when it was the American empire." That was what Yves Engler told an enthusiastic crowd on October 4 during an Ottawa stop during a tour organized by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East.

  • Can You Believe What You Read in the Citizen?Reuel S. Amdur
    November 1, 2012

    On September 2, a piece by the Ottawa Citizen's Heavy Thinker Robert Sibley appeared in that paper. "Digging up hatred" was the headline. Beginning with a discussion of a Peruvian neo-Nazi Jew-hater, it continued by examining anti-Semitism in other places. The existence of the problem in Canada was illustrated by the case of Klibanov and Bergamini, Carleton University students and Israel supporters, allegedly pursued from a bar in Hull, Quebec, by Muslim students from that same university.

  • Outsourcing war to private companiesThe Canadian Charger
    October 15, 2012

    Market values have surreptitiously taken control of more and more aspects of our lives leaving a moral vacuum at the heart of our politics according to Michael Sandel, political philosopher at Harvard University and author of What Money Can't Buy: the moral limits of markets.

  • Canada: Immigrants being killed on the jobThe Canadian Charger
    October 15, 2012

    When Jayesh Prajapati, 44, a gas attendant at a west-end Shell station in Toronto was killed on Saturday September 15, after he tried to stop a man attempting to drive away without paying his $112 bill, it was indicative of Ontario's lax labour codes and lack of enforcement of existing codes, resulting often in immigrant workers being victimized, according to a couple of labour advocates.

  • A good question about American interests in the Middle East but what is the answer?Alan Hart
    October 15, 2012

    In an article for TomDispatch, Peter Van Buren (a U.S. Foreign Service Officer for many years) posed what he described as Six Critical Foreign Policy Questions That Won't Be Raised in Presidential Debates. Question three was under the headline - What do we want from the Middle East?

  • Dramatic changes coming to criminal law and immigration for permanent residentsEdward C. Corrigan
    October 15, 2012

    On July 24, 2012, Statistics Canada reported the rate of crimes reported to Canadian police forces in 2011 reached its lowest level since 1972. Since 1991, the rate of males charged with violent crime has dropped by 32% and the rate of women charged with violent crime has risen 34%. The severity of crime index, a tool used to measure the extent of serious crime in Canada, also dropped by 6 per cent.

  • Demonstration at McGuinty Offices for HousingReuel S. Amdur
    October 15, 2012

    A group of 80 demonstrators gathered on August 29 in front of the constituency office of Premier Dalton McGuinty to protest what they see as government inaction on the housing needs of low to moderate income Ontarians. The demonstration was organized by ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). Their concerns relate to a lack of affordable, livable housing, to poor upkeep of rental units, to what is seen as too generous a permitted increase in rental rates, and to the ability of landlords to charge whatever they want once a unit becomes vacant.

  • A third option for ending Syrian conflictRobert A. Pastor
    October 15, 2012

    The conflict in Syria was "extremely bad and getting worse."

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