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  • Jason Kenney exposed - againThe Canadian Charger
    October 27, 2010

    Some 18 months ago, the Canadian Arab Federation launched a lawsuit against Jason Kenney, Minister of Immigration and Citizenship. Mr. Kenney had accused CAF of being an anti-Semitic organization and used this charge as a pretext for cutting funding to some CAF-run settlement programs. In addition, Mr. Kenney used every occasion to smear CAF and associate its activities with terrorism and anti-Semitism.

  • Evangelical Christians, Zionist Jews and the Harper governmentThe Canadian Charger
    October 27, 2010

    In what is supposed to be a secular democracy, with a clear separation of church and state, one has to wonder how a Canadian evangelical Christian leader named Charles McVety has come to have such influence with the Harper government.

  • Israel: Jewistan - the State of the JewsProf. Francis A. Boyle
    October 27, 2010

    Israel's Likudnik Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached into his bag of Zionist tricks and pulled out a brand-new demand that had never surfaced before in the history of the Middle East Peace Process going all the way back to their beginning with the negotiation of the original Camp David Accords conducted under the personal auspices of U.S. President Jimmy Carter in 1978: The Palestinians must recognize Israel as "the Jewish State."

  • Reconciliation but not with governmentReuel S. Amdur
    October 27, 2010

    Murray Sinclair, who heads up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, told an audience at convocation at Ottawa's Carleton University about some little-known aspects of the law surrounding the residential schools tragedy.

  • Who is (Prof) Michael Shermer?Joshua Blakeney
    October 27, 2010

    Here is the latest YouTube installment depicting the unfolding saga implicating Michael Shermer, Claremont Graduate University and University of Lethbridge:

  • The Colonel Russell Williams case, who is guilty by associationScott Stockdale
    October 21, 2010

    I'm having some difficulty with this case. I thought we would agree that no one should be found guilty by association; for example, people plotting terrorist attacks went to a particular place of worship, so many automatically conclude that the religious leader was the instigator. That doesn't seem right to me or to conclude that the men's fellow worshippers are guilty by association because they socialized with them and found them acceptable people; or to condemn the whole community because a few have been found to be perpetrators of terrorism.

  • An evening with Omar Khayyam Reuel S. Amdur
    October 20, 2010

    The Carleton University Centre for the Study of Islam presented a showing of the BBC documentary "The Genius of Omar Khayyam" on October 15, with the producer Sadeq Saba leading the discussion after. Following is an account of the evening.

  • Bad news hides behind Chile's good news The Canadian Charger
    October 20, 2010

    The rescue of 33 miners trapped for more than two months under Chile's Atacama Desert gave the world a rare uplifting news story. But the profit-driven corporate media was not interested in the real story.

  • US intelligence is a contradiction in termsYvonne Ridley
    October 20, 2010

    The horrible death of hostage Linda Norgrove in Afghanistan propelled me back to my own personal hell nine years ago when I was also held prisoner by the Taliban.

  • Why Canada lost its bid for a Security Council seatYves Engler
    October 20, 2010

    In a stunning international rebuke Stephen Harper's government lost its bid for a UN Security Council seat last week. The vote in New York was the world's response to a Canadian foreign policy designed to please the most reactionary, shortsighted sectors of the Conservative Party's base - evangelical Christian Zionists, extreme right-wing Jews, Islamophobes, the military-industrial-academic-complex, mining and oil executives and old cold-warriors.

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