Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, looking suspiciously like a Wall Street banker, presented his defense to the Israeli nation today (June 2, 2010).
This is the story of an attack on two students: Mark Klibanov, an Israeli Jew, and Nick Bergamini, his gentile roommate.
Due to the Harper government's one-sided support for Israel, Canada has lost a lot of prestige in the world, said British Television journalist and author Alan Hart at fundraising dinners for the Canadian Charger. Hart is the author of three volumes Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews.
Dear Mr. Mansbridge: I was expecting to be disappointed by your interview with Netanyahu, knowing that the CBC would have to be respectful of him as leader of Israel, but I was appalled at your refusal -- or inability -- to confront him on the dangerous propaganda and outright lies that he had the chuzpah to spew on CBC, including:
University of Athabasca History professor Joe Kelly said apartheid is an accurate description of the Israeli government policy.
The Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) hosted CANSEC at Ottawa's Lansdown Park on June 2 and 3.
Canadians protesting Israel's savage piracy against civilian ships off the coast of Gaza must also protest those Canadian and American politicians who refused to condemn this aggression strongly. This includes voting out the Harper government.
Islamophobia has been a political tool of convenience that has been used at least since 1492 CE and is still in use by Western powers. For the past 200 years it has also been adopted by Zionists.
Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid, Yves Engler, Red Publishing, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2010, 167 pages.
When the Oslo Document was originally presented by the Israeli government to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations in the Fall of 1992, it was rejected by the Delegation because it obviously constituted a bantustan.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.