I recently spent a delightful evening listening to live classical Arabic songs and instrumental music by the Canadian Arabic Orchestra and Choir. Those two hours at the Conrad Performing Arts Centre in downtown Kitchener felt like pure magic.
Many people come to our law office after they have applied for renewal of their Permanent Residence Card or after they have applied for Canadian Citizenship. After sending the Application to Citizenship and Immigration Canada and setting out the time that they were "in Canada" they receive a request from Citizenship and Immigration Canada that they provide proof of the time spent in Canada. This process is called "Proof of Residence."
This article was written before the Liberal government introduced Bill C-14, on assisted dying. On April 14, 2016 the Liberal government introduced the assisted dying bill. It is more restrictive than what the parliamentary committee that studied the matter proposed and may conceivably fail to meet the criteria outlined by the Supreme Court.
When the commission of a crime is related to the person's mental condition, a court may declare him not mentally responsible, NCR for short. Section 16 of the Criminal Code sets out the condition:
It appears that the current strong U.S. Dollar policy, resulting in an economic downturn in developing nations like Egypt, is not the first time the world has witnessed this scenario.
Animals are innocent; they live by the book of nature. As far as we know, they don't ask themselves about the meaning of life. But for better or worse, we humans tend to ask that question a lot, especially as we grow older.
On March 22, University of Montreal Political Science Professor André Blais spoke about proportional representation (PR) on Parliament Hill, before an audience invited by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
"Ontario Works helps people who are in temporary financial need." That is a lie. It is a lie that the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services (COMSOC) has on its website now and that it has been promoting for as long as the program has been in existence.
"Punch Drunk Wives: for many women there is more to dementia than just getting older." That was the title of a presentation by Carleton University social work professor Roy Hanes before a meeting of SWAG (Social Workers in Aging and Gerontology) held in Ottawa on February 19.
The following Primary Axiom of All Value is a core excerpt from Prof. John McMurtry, Philosophy and World Problems, Volume I, UNESCO in partnership with Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems: Oxford: Eolss Publishers, 2011. Here it is permitted reproduction in response to Prof. Mohamed Elmasry's article, "In Search of The Meaning of Life".
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.