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  • Education and National Security - An AnalysisProfessor Lawrence Davidson
    December 21, 2012

    Part I - What is Education For?

  • Is Israel Harper's Fair-Haired Boy?Reuel S. Amdur
    December 21, 2012

    Foreign Minister John Baird went down to New York to address the UN General Assembly in opposition to admission of Palestine as a non-member observer state and to cast Canada's vote against it. He issued Canada's condemnation of the move "in the strongest possible terms." The extent of his influence in the international community can be judged in the resulting vote, where Canada stood foursquare in the General Assembly with the United States, Israel, the Czech Republic, the Marshall Islands, and a handful of other ministates. (Incidentally, may we expect to see the opening of an Israeli embassy in Majuro sometime soon, with an Israeli-Marshallese exchange of ambassadors?) Baird's reasoning is that peace between Israel and Palestine can only be achieved through direct negotiations, not through a unilateral request by Palestine for recognition.

  • Is it a Double Standard? Reuel S. Amdur
    December 21, 2012

    One of the criteria of anti-Semitism listed by the so-called Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism reads as follows: "applying double standards by requiring of it (Israel) a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation." This criterion is a bit strained, suggesting the necessity of chasing after other nation's misdeeds before being able to say an unkind word about Israel's, but let's take it as it is.

  • The crisis in funding legal support for refugeesEdward C. Corrigan
    December 21, 2012

    There is currently a crisis in the funding of adequate representation for refugee claimants in Ontario and the rest of Canada. For years Ontario had one of the most generous, but still very limited, funding for representation of refugee claimants in Canada.

  • Karman, a revolutionary woman speaks in OttawaThe Canadian Charger
    December 2, 2012

    On the heels of receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of Alberta, on November 21 Tawakkol Karman made an appearance in Ottawa for a public lecture jointly sponsored by the National Council on Canada-Arab Relations (NCCAR) and the Canadian Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN).

  • Profiting from Israeli ApartheidThe Canadian Charger
    December 2, 2012

    The Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) has just provided part two of its exhaustive study, in Press for Conversion, of Canada Pension Plan (CPP) investments, detailing companies included in the CPP portfolio which are "corporations supporting Israel's military/police/surveillance/prison industrial complex."

  • Morsi’s mediocre leadership unacceptableProf. Dr. Mohamed Elmasry
    December 2, 2012

    (Cairo) Egyptians, those who voted for him and those who didn't, had hoped that Mohamed Morsi would lead their country on the road towards democracy, economical development and social justice ('ash, horia, 'adalah egteemia); the three objectives of their revolution. Egyptians never expected miracles but they were right to expect from Morsi short and long term plans, a road map with milestones, and an accountability mechanism for their elected president to deliver.

  • A defeat for Israel...?Alan Hart
    December 2, 2012

    It's too soon to know whether the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas will be more than a sticking plaster to be ripped off by more violence whether provoked by Israel or not, but while we wait for events to give us the answer, there is a good case for saying that under Netanyahu’s leadership the Zionist (not Jewish) state has suffered a significant defeat.

  • Jimmy Carter: 'Israelis' Policy Is to Confiscate Palestinian Territory'Elisabeth Braw
    December 2, 2012

    Israel and Gaza are again attacking each other, Syria is descending into civil war, four American diplomats killed in Libya: the Middle East is more fragile than ever. "Both sides should cease all hostilities," says former US President Jimmy Carter. "Israel should end its blockade of Gaza, and Western countries should work to facilitate reconciliation between Hamas and their Palestinian rival, Fatah. As long as Gaza remains isolated, the situation in and around Gaza will remain volatile."

  • Israel-Palestine: What is the US National Interest?Ralph Nader
    December 2, 2012

    Israeli elections are coming up in January so it is Palestinian hunting season again. Israeli cynics call it a time "for mowing the grass."

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