Canadians went to polls on October 19, 2015 and elected the Liberals to a majority government. There was much criticism of the Federal Conservative government's policies on Citizenship and Immigration. However, to be fair some of the policies enacted by the Conservatives were necessary or of a positive nature.
To explain the physical world, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) had to introduce a space-time force. For example, gravity's pull on you is not only a function of your weight (mass), and where you are with respect to the earth's surface; it also depends on time, functioning as a fourth dimension.
There is no easy answer but for the time being we can't let evil win.
Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood have emerged together in recent news headlines and I can safely predict that they will continue to do so in the near future.
Tracking the Overthrow of EU Rule of Law in Britain
This is a tale of two columnists, and how they were treated very differently by Canada's largest newspaper.
(Waterloo, ON, Canada) - Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, a prominent author, scholar and leader in Canada's Muslim community, sent a letter of condolence and anti-terrorism recommendations to Britain's High Commissioner to Canada in Ottawa, following the Manchester concert attack on May 22 and again, following Saturday's multiple terror attacks in London.
While cancer has overtaken heart disease as the number one killer of Canadians - as many as two in five Canadians are expected to by diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives - over-diagnosis and treatment of this disease is becoming an increasing part of the problem.
Although the Canadian Charger article entitled: ISIS is Obama's Legacy: Strip Him of His Nobel (link below), has - for the most part - met with deafening silence from most media, it seems to be resonating with some of the readers of Information Clearing House website.
In both English and my native Arabic, the words "sight" and "insight" are rooted in the verb "to see." While both words are frequently heard and used, we understand less about the latter one. Yet taken together, both are vital not only to our survival as a species, but also to the enhancement of our individual lives.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.