The editorial board of The Canadian Charger welcomes letters to the editor of 100 to 350 words. Please include your full name, e-mail address, contact number, city and country.
All letters accepted for publication will be edited for taste, legality and style.
Since we have been online we received many letters --
here are only two samples:
Congratulations!!!! Excellent work! Very impressive.
* ** *
I am confident that this new magazine will bring
understanding and information that we all Canadians need in the age of biased
national media in Europe as well as in North America.
The greens are the alternative to Harper. If we had an alternative to the way we vote like preferential voting - 1st choice, 2nd choice 3rd choice etc then it would be clear that no one is an alternative to Harper, except the greens.
I may not fully agree with his views regarding Muslim Brotherhood (MB) of Egypt, but still agree with him that Canada has much to offer Egypt on the economic,social and educational fronts. It is true that Canada's help "would be more genuine and mutually beneficial than aid from any other international source." I truly feel that the help from countries like the USA, the UK and the Russian Federation, is generally with political strings attached.
I was in the Canadian Military and have seen for myself the tunnels (South Korea) that allowed the north to transit into the south with relative ease. This has been happening on the Mexico/USA border for years, and it's no surprise that drugs and illegal immigrants have such an unobstructed path.
In response to the article on Harper's Office of Religious Freedom, I wish to indicate that those of us in joint Hindu-Christian faith like me, that was inherited from my parents interfaith marriage, are completely ignored by Hon. John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs Office where the issue of religious freedom is to be addressed.
I was disappointed to read Barbara Kay's column (in the National Post) about the appointment of Ingrid Mattson as the inaugural London and Windsor community chair in Islamic Studies at Huron University College.
What Prof. Irving Waller did not say is that to put the infrastructure in place for people to have greater access to skill development in groups sorted out to gain skills and debrief on the good and evil in our lives, our families, communities, nations and the World and set short & long term goals once we have gained enough knowledge to address these issues in our lives.
In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.