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March 21, 2014

Re: Canada's Muslims will vote NDP?

Jalaluddin S. Hussain, Brossard, Quebec

Dear Dr. Elmasry, as-Salaam Alaikum!

I have read the latest issue of on-line "The Canadian Charger" and consider all the articles quite informative and some even provocative!  I was particularly provoked by Meer Sahib's article entitled, "Canada's Muslim will vote NDP?" While I agree with many of his points and the critical analysis of the two main federal Canadian parties - the Conservatives and the Liberals, I feel that, contrary to his suggestion, NDP does not fare better either. 

I must say that the Israeli-Palestinian dispute can be resolved only through give-and -take and only through negotiation.  Let the pre-War 1967 borders, between the Israelis and the Palestinian Occupied Territories, be the bottom line for the crucial negotiation and both the parties start from there.  At the end of the negotiation process The West Bank and the Gaza Strip must be declared and recognized as the free and sovereign State of Palestine and by the same token  the State of Israel be recognized, by all the Arab States, as a free and sovereign country.  No ifs and buts!  The Jewish settlement activities in the West Bank must stop forthwith.  The spirit of give-and-take must prevail throughout the negotiation process.  The QUARTET - The UN, the European Union, the USA and the Russian Federation, must oversee the talks between the two contending parties.  It is a painstaking process and it will take time!  We should be prepared.

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