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June 18, 2009

Canada Day 09 and The Canadian Charger

The Canadian Charger

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There won’t be much to celebrate this Canada Day 09. We have lost 119 young Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan since 2002. More Canadians are out of work than a year ago. Individual rights have been greatly compromised since 9/11. The cost of post-secondary education is too high for many Canadians. Health care is slowly and quietly being given over to the private sector.

There won’t be much to celebrate this Canada Day 09.

We have lost 119 young Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan since 2002. More Canadians are out of work than a year ago. Individual rights have been greatly compromised since 9/11. The cost of post-secondary education is too high for many Canadians. Health care is slowly and quietly being given over to the private sector.

Our taxes go up while government debts go through the roof; meanwhile, more and more Canadians fall into poverty. In the private and the public sectors, the forces of greed are winning because only the rich and powerful are the ones laughing to the bank.

Governments waste hard-earned tax dollars on political appointments, while democracy is stifled under the hands of elected dictators who have no respect for citizens. (Why was there no referendum before paying over $10 billion to buy part of a bankrupt automaker?)

Canada’s record in protecting the environment is shameful, even downright criminal. Canada can do better—much, much better—for our children and grandchildren.

The media is a major reason why times are so bad. It has been hijacked by the privileged few who use it to promote profit-driven corporate interests. Canada deserves better!

It deserves a media that can speak freely for all Canadians, even the marginalized. It deserves a media supported by the masses, not private interests. It deserves a media that goes beyond the politics of the day. It deserves a media that is a powerful force for social justice in Canada and peace with justice around the world.

We at The Canadian Charger have such a vision for Canada. We want to restore respect and dignity to Canada as a peacemaker and peacekeeper. We believe in equal higher-education opportunities for all Canadians. We want politicians to understand that health care is a right, not a privilege, and that immigrants are welcome here. Those who cannot or do not want to understand these principles should leave politics.

We are charging to change Canada for the better. Join us, work with us, support us, then we all will have at least one reason to celebrate Canada Day next year!

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