The airstrikes on Libya, as authorized by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, has a veneer of "internationalism" about that that needs to be addressed.
When Hosni Mubarak steps down from power in the near future, as I am sure he will, it will be a day that marks the beginning of a new era-one where no one can ever tell me again that serious change is not possible. In fact, thanks to the determination of those in Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, etc., that era has most likely already begun.
During 2010 as Europe was trying to bring itself out of the pits of a worldwide economic meltdown, the continent's rightwing forces have tried to usher in an age of austerity/cutbacks amidst the chaos.
On November 16th, 2010, by an unprecedented snap vote, the Canadian Senate struck down the Climate Change Accountability Act, otherwise known as Bill C311.
On Oct 26, the French parliament finally ushered in the Sarkozy government's pension reforms, which include the highly contentious extension of the minimum retirement age from 60 to 62, and the raising of the minimum pensionable age from 65 to 67.
As the U.S. midterm elections near, President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden have announced, in unison, that Democrats have to stop whining: "We've done so much for you; how can you complain! Look at these Republicans, do you want them ruling over you?"
The media circus surrounding pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida and his Qur'an burning is both unfortunate and revealing.
A lot has been written about Wikileaks since the whistle-blowing organization leaked its 92,000-document cache on the carnage in Afghanistan caused by the American war and occupation.
The flooding in Pakistan, the worst in 80 years, has eclipsed the devastation of the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, the Pakistani earthquake of 2005, and the Haitian earthquake earlier this year, says the UN's Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
Among all the instances of human suffering in the world, it impossible to say that one is more important than all the rest; however, it is possible for an issue to have a particularly visceral effect on a person in ways that other issues do not. This effect is usually facilitated by a catalyst that intensifies feelings of disgust and anger toward the issue.
In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.