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Dr. Ibrahim Hayani


  • Crackdowns in Syria, Libya, Yemen, BahrainDr. Ibrahim Hayani
    July 13, 2011

    In the "Epilogue" of his fascinating and engaging book The Crusades Through Arab Eyes, the renowned Arab/Lebanese-French writer Amin Maalouf, poses the rather intriguing question as to whether or not the Arabs and/or Muslims did really win the epic war against the European invasion of the Arab heartland.

  • Democracy in the Arab WorldDr. Ibrahim Hayani
    March 10, 2011

    Although the roots of the current revolutions in the Arab world can be found in the prevailing tyrannical/despotic order, violations of human rights, poverty, unemployment (especially among the young), corruption, dynastic rule, and widening gap between rich and poor, the deeper and more profound reason is the Arabs' enduring struggle for freedom and dignity - the two wings of the Arabian Eagle that emblazons the Egyptian flag.

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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.

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