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September 2, 2010

Re: The U.S. has dug its own graveyard in Afghanistan-Gul

Meer Sahib, P.Eng.

There is a bit of a fly in the ointment in this article.

Gen. Hamid Gul is reported as saying: ".... Mullah Omar is the only man who can guarantee that no terrorism will be exported from Afghanistan,” but Omar cannot make such a guarantee since Afghanistan has never exported terrorism.

The sole sources of terrorism are the U.S., Israel, and their Western allies.

Mullah Omar and the Taliban are defenders of their nation, not terrorists. They are not in the business of overtly and or covertly sabotaging other nations, plotting coups d'état, or causing calamities.

Mullah Omar achieved something that no other Afghan leader could—he brought safety and security to the nation. During his rule, women could go anywhere without being molested; the accursed warlords were banished; and opium production was 100 percent eliminated.

But no sooner had the Taliban come to power, than Western nations imposed cruel trade sanctions and no-fly zones. When the Taliban refused to be bribed into accepting a raw deal on the trans-Afghan pipeline, plans were put in place to invade. The 9/11 attack gave the U.S. the pretext it needed.

I have watched the entire interview and everything else Mr. Gul says emanates from the deep wisdom and experience of a man who is a hero in the liberation of Afghanistan from the Soviet Union. The U.S. would do well to heed his advice.

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