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September 11, 2014

Re: The Charger's Poll re the best for Canada

Trevor Goodger-Hill

There is no difference between the Conservatives, the Liberals, the NDP, the Bloc and the Greens.

They all want to have the power to run capitalism in the interest of the owning class. The difference between them is minuscule and does nothing to halt the destruction of our planet.

You present yourselves as politically astute people. Are you not aware, as Karl Marx explained, that we created government and the nation state to administer capitalism in the interest of the owning class. The one percent has you twisted around their fingertips so that you do not even understand that when they say "creating jobs", meaning wage slavery, that THAT is what is meant by government.

Your ideas are part of the problem; that is, you are helping to kill our planet.  Political idiots!

Yours to incite World insight,     

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