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March 23, 2011

Zionists harass and try to impeach Queen's president

Allan Donaldson

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Dear The Canadian Charger: I discovered you while seeking to determine which progressive sites are following the ongoing attack on free speech currently underway at Queen's University.

A letter to Michael Ignatieff from student Rector Nick Day, taking the leader of the Liberal Party to task for his statements about Israel Awareness Week, has generated a demand that Day be “impeached” via a vote by student members of the Queen’s Alma Mater Society, scheduled for March. 22/11.

Alerted to this replay of events witnessed on other campuses, your readers can view both the initial letter and a predictable National Post reaction to it via this link:

The primary argument to prosecute Day lies in the claim that, by using his university title in his letter to Ignatieff, he has incorrectly implied that all students he represents as elected Rector at Queen's share his views.

In a subsequent letter published Mar. 15/11 in the Queen’s Journal, Day has clearly clarified his stance:

A petition in support of Day has so far garnered over 1300 signatures, along with numerous comments:

An anti-Day site that has sprung up also invites comments, but it so far displays only a selected few:


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