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July 1, 2010

Say NO to Toronto's police brutality

(Monday, 29th of June, 2010) The post G20 protest was held at College Street between Bay and Yonge streets against the shameful mistreatment by Toronto's police of demonstrators and innocent bystanders.

Text and Photos by Miriam Kim

They were also in standing for the friends who have not been released from the detention center.  Under aged teens from fifteen years old boy to a seventeen year old girl is still held in the detention center.

A few of the released protesters shared testimonies that brought the crowd to tears.  It was an emotional event and the people were determined to parade around University Avenue to voice the shame that scarred many forever.

Timothy Vitus Wight was held for twenty-six hours and without food or water for more than twelve hours. He had witnessed injustice against the innocent people within the detention center.  Many of the people he spoke to behind the walls of the detention center were innocent bystanders who were here in Canada just to visit or had no involvement with the protest.

Timothy V. Wight was kicked in the face and then arrested thereafter.

On St. Luke Lane, I had asked a police officer by the name of M. Ramsey if I could ask a few questions, but he had refused.

Officer Ramsey was not able to answer questions because the authorities had commanded all the police force not to answer any questions.  He had said, "No, I can't.  The press answers that...The one that speaks on our behalf."

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