March 27, 2012
Letter to the editor: who is good & who is evil?
Bernie Smith
More by this author...Last week I received a map of Iran surrounded by countries such as Kuwait, Iraq, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and countries across the Gulf like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman. In these countries were a total of 45 black dots, each representing a US Military Base, and the caption read "Who Is Threatening Whom?"
Are bombers ready for take-off from these 45 bases, and from aircraft carriers, with payloads of Depleted Uranium warheads that could bring similar destruction to Iran that we recently witnessed in Iraq, where cancer rates and birth defects have risen astronomically since these weapons were used?
Is it not a tad ironic that a 3rd Century Iranian prophet called Mani founded a religion known as Maniaechism -- whose basic tenet was searching for compromise between forces of light and good against forces of dark and evil?
How much has changed in nearly two millennia, as we hear the drumbeat of war again in the Persian Gulf?
Canada's Foreign Minister, the hyperbolic and belligerent John Baird -- an inspired choice as our country's Chief Diplomat of ever there was one -- was recently in Israel drawing comparisons between the regime in Iran and Hitler; yet never once did he mention the Jewish State's nuclear weaponry?
History is full of False Flag Events, such as The Gulf Of Tonkin Incident that led to the US bombing North Vietnam in 1964, and we should be highly skeptical of what politicians are presently telling us regarding Iran's alleged nuclear power program.
We are so used to the concept that "Might Is Right" that we sometimes forget compromises, which Mani sought all those years ago; the question always remains: just who is good and who is evil?
Bernie Smith writes from British Columbia, Canada.