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November 27, 2013

Canadians: List Egypt's Brotherhood a terrorist group

The Canadian Charger

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CMC4EGYPT - Canadian Muslims and Christians for Egypt - called on Ottawa to immediately list Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group and ban any of its members from entering Canada.

CMC4EGYPT warned that the Muslim Brotherhood is affiliated with the right-wing militant organization, Hamas. Hamas has been on Canada’s official terrorist list for some time.

Dr. Adel Sedra, a prominent member of Canada’s Egyptian Christian community, said: “In the past three months, 61 churches have been burned and hundreds of Christians murdered – including Miriam Asherif, a young elementary school student killed after attending a wedding last week at a Cairo church. This death of an innocent child comes in addition to the ongoing suicide bombing campaign against civilians and against security and army personnel in Sinai and across Egypt.”

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is an ultra-conservative Islamist sect formed in 1928, but banned 20 years later after the group was found responsible for the assassination of Egypt’s prime minister and interior minister.

Despite its violent and secretive history, in June 2012 Egyptians gave a supposedly reformed Brotherhood the benefit of the doubt and voted one of its leaders, Mohamed Morsi, as their president.

During his presidential campaign, Morsi vowed he would denounce terrorism as a political tool, establish a liberal democracy, and work for economic development and social justice.

But to the horror and disappointment of most Egyptians, Morsi instead transformed from elected President to Dictator: on November 22, 2012 he began issuing decrees aimed at rapidly turning Egypt into a theocratic Islamist state.

Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, a longtime Canadian Muslim community leader, witnessed first-hand the pivotal events leading up to the current crisis: “I was in Cairo during the uprising of January 25, 2011 and saw how Egyptians were longing to get rid of a dictator. I was also in Cairo in November 2012. Egyptians could not believe they’d toppled a secular dictator only to be ruled by an Islamist one,” he said. “Millions took to the streets, recalling their votes and demanding that Morsi hold early presidential elections. He stubbornly refused.”

Hassan Sherif, a member of the francophone Egyptian community in Quebec, urges, “Our federal government must be consistent,” he said. “It rightly listed Hamas as a terrorist group; it should also list Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group.”

Just as it sided with the popular uprising of January 25, 2011 against Hosni Mubarak, the army again supported the Egyptian people in their opposition against Morsi on June 30, 2013.

CMC4EGYPT stresses that this action should not be seen as “a coup” but as a response to demands of ordinary Egyptian people.  

Tragically, following the ouster of its chosen president, the Brotherhood and its supporters launched a vicious campaign of terrorism, assassination, suicide bombings, intimidation and civil disruption across the nation.

Within Egypt’s media the Brotherhood claim they are defending Islam against “infidels” – Egypt’s Christians and moderate Muslims – while telling the international community, including Canada, that they are defending democracy. “Both are lies,” added Dr. Elmasry.

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