Though dating back to the 1700s, rugby originates with the industrial working class formed during the industrial revolution in Britain, whose collective spirit and organization is reflected athletically in its offensive and defensive mass formations such as the scrum, the fluid teamwork and sacrifice demanded instantaneously of players on the fly, and its community base. This is not a sport where every play is dictated by a coach on the sidelines such as North American football, which derives from rugby.
In an editorial published on April 21st, the day before Easter Friday and Earth Day, the editors of the Halifax Herald Ltd. demanded that the United States escalate the war of aggression against Libya: "The only way forward is to use more force. The sooner NATO comes to this conclusion, the better."
HALIFAX, NS - SHIPBUILDING is one of the traditional industries in the Maritimes, Quebec, certain lake ports in Ontario and British Columbia which is in crisis. Now, instead of resolving the crisis in favour of the people, the warmongering positions of the new Harper government include the militarization of all shipbuilding in Canada.
The first indication that there was something fundamentally wrong with the level of the playing field at the 2011 World Rugby Cup currently unfolding throughout New Zealand was a seemingly innocuous complaint about the scheduling from the coach of the Canadian national team, former All Black back Kieran Crowley.
On November 30, 2010 the former chief of staff to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the architect of his 2004 election campaign, Thomas Flanagan, called for the assassination of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
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