January 3, 2010
New Year, New Hope?
With the dawn of a New Year is there any reason to hope that it will see real progress on ending the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel and stopping the countdown to catastrophe for all?
With the dawn of a New Year is there any
reason to hope that it will see real progress on ending the conflict in and
over Palestine that became Israel and stopping the countdown to catastrophe for
I can see only one reason. It’s in the fact that the Zionist state has become its own worst enemy. (Some will say thank goodness for that because with the Arab regimes as enemies, Israel doesn’t need friends!)
It has long been my view that Israel is its own worst enemy, but as we say goodbye and good riddance to 2009, it’s obvious that more and more so-called ordinary people of the world are becoming outraged by the Zionist state’s arrogance of power, its contempt for international law and, most of all, its brutal repression of the Palestinians.
When governments are complicit in Zionism’s crimes (more by default than design I say because they are terrified of offending Zionism too much), does it really matter what the peoples of the world think?
Yes, it does, but it’s really a question of numbers. In the Western world, governments are not going to change their approach to Israel until enough of their citizens, the voters, insist that they do.
When friends tell me I am naïve for believing that government policy could be changed by manifestations of people power, they rest their case on what happened in the UK when, under the leadership of the deluded Tony Blair, it was preparing to go to war in Iraq with the moronic “Dubya” Bush’s America.
Up to two million citizens of all faiths and none and all classes demonstrated against the idea of war. Blair and his government ignored them.
That’s true but it’s not the whole story. We now know from the accounts of some of Blair’s ministers at the time that the demonstration caused his government to “wobble”.
The conclusion that invites is surely this. If three or better still four million people had demonstrated against the war, Blair would have been obliged to say to Bush, “Sorry, George, I can’t do it.”
It really is a question of numbers.
The more we citizens become politically engaged in the struggle for justice for the Palestinians, the less our governments will be able to dance to Zionism’s tune.
Alan Hart is an author, former Middle East Chief Correspondent for Independent Television News, and former BBC Panorama presenter specialising in the Middle East.