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March 25, 2013

Morsi, you've got some explaining to do!

Hussein Shobokshi

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It is widely believed that the governments of both Jordan and Kuwait owe their survival today to the exceptionally dismal performance of the Egyptian government headed by President Mohamed Morsi.

Mohamed Morsi belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood group, an influential religion-based political group that is spread across the Arab world for a period of over 80 years. This group basically constituted the main opposition forces in Jordan and Kuwait, a force that was gaining a lot of confidence and momentum, after the significant political gains achieved by their Egyptian counterpart in the Arab world’s largest country. This euphoria of confidence soon turned into a sense of confusion, then into a simple denial until a feeling of utter shameful failure could not be but defected.

The government of Mohamed Morsi in Egypt is providing the world with a textbook execution of how not to govern a post-revolution country.

Political stability in Egypt is now a lost cause; a president, who came as the first civil elected man in Egypt’s long history, could not be the president of all Egyptians after he opted to be the ruler of his own party and placed aggressively hard-to-assign and staunch members of his own party in critical posts and positions in law enforcement as well as in the judicial system. He has also cracked down with a heavy hand on protestors as well as media institutions and the freedom of expressions. All of this, without mentioning the massive economic meltdown that is taking place in Egypt.

Unemployment is at record high figures, inflation is sky rocketing with prices steadily climbing beyond the reach of the masses. Foreign direct investments have basically all but dried up. The national currency, the Egyptian pound, has taken a serious beating and continues to take a steep fall against the American dollar. Generally speaking the Egyptian economy has lost its respectable credit rating and is now considered a non-stable and risky one by many respectable credit-rating agencies. The security situation is nothing short of a complete mess with looting and chaos becoming the norm in many areas around the country.

Morsi has completely failed to lead and inspire; he is now the butt of jokes and quips depicting him as a failure. His stubbornness to cling to his prime minister, Hisham Kandil, who proved himself to be a complete failure as a governing executive, has made the Egyptians lose confidence in him and his Cabinet.

All of this is enough proof for the Arabs who have been watching with great interest and curiosity the Muslim Brotherhood’s experiment in power. To them, its complete failure explains clearly why the governments in Jordan and Kuwait are now breathing in a great relief. Morsi and his gang simply have a lot of explaining to do!

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