The Canadian public does not share Stephen Harper's certainty about Afghanistan and the role of the military in general. A June, 2011 Ipsos Reid study, commissioned by the Department of National Defense, indicated that, "…Canadians were under-informed about the Canadian Forces role in Afghanistan, and that they did not know why the Canadian Forces were still there."
Inspired perhaps by the fading echoes of George W. Bush; Stephen Harper has presented Canadians with a false choice on Middle East peace: either voice "absolute, non-negotiable belief in Israel" or be declared an anti-Semite. Stephen Harper refuses to be a real friend to the Israelis in the sense that he excuses their more objectionable behaviour for the sake of political support, business deals and misplaced guilt.
Is the Netanyahu regime capable of responding humanely when an opportunity for accurate self-perception arrives? Recent events may provide the answer to this question that the corporate media would never dare ask. Israel, ostensibly a state built on the notion of asylum (at least for European Jews); is expressing outrage at the influx of illegal migrants into its sacred precincts. How ironic but yet, how fitting; considering Israel's established policy of expanding illegal settlements on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem.
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In early 2023, months before Israel launched its genocidal war on Palestinians, renowned French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd opined that World War III had begun.